Oct 2, 20171 min

RYC's Dr Finigan-Carr to speak on child sex trafficking at the School of Medicine's Social J

Dr Nadine Finigan-Carr, Research Assistant Professor and Assistant Director of the Ruth Young Center, will be a lecturer in the School of Medicine's Social Justice Curriculum's series. This semester the series will focus on issues that children face in our country.


On October 12th, Dr Finigan-Carr will lead a discussion on child sex trafficking. Her research is focused on the prevention of adolescent risk behaviors, especially among vulnerable populations of youth.

Date and Time: October 12

5:00pm to 7:00pm


Location: School of Medicine

Health Science Facility II Building

HSFII Auditorium

20 Penn Street, Baltimore Maryland


RSVP to darrobmd@umaryland.edu. Pizza will be served after the event.